Also, Longville Municipal Airport Zoning Ordinance at end of this page.
Below, click on the underlined Section Group that you would like to read about.
1. Title
2. Purpose, Authority and Jurisdiction
3. General Provisions
4. Rules and Definitions
5. Administration
6. Enforcement
7. Planning Commission
8. Board of Adjustment
9. Zoning Districts and District Provisions
9a. Longville, MN - Zoning Map
10. Performance Standards
11. Separability, Supremacy, Effectuation, Amendments, Notices
Longville Subdivision Ordinance - Sections 1 - 6
1. General Provisions
2. Rules and Definitions
3. Administration
4. Subdivision Standards
5. Planned Unit Developments
6. Improvements
Longville Municipal Airport Safety Zoning Ordinance
Longville Municipal Airport Zoning Ordinance Maps
CITY OF LONGVILLE, PO Box 217, Longville, MN 56655
Hours: M-F 8:30 am To 3:30 pm
Phone: 218-363-2022 - Fax: 218-363-2726